Sunday, April 13, 2008

Somebody order a pizza

Earlier this week a co-worker of mine quit. She was a really tough person to work with and had pretty much caused most of my misery since I arrived here, so I wasn’t sad to see her go. I was, however, frustrated with all the tasks she had left undone. It’s inevitable when people quit though, that the work they claim to have been doing is actually not being done.

So anyway, her departure, plus several staff vacations, left our program team really short for the family weekend we just had. And now I’m up in the office using the real internet for a few minutes, while wearing my boyfriend’s sweatshirt and his way too big fuzzy Crocs. I’m going to get the files I need, post this story, and then head out to find some place with a drive through, because no way in heck am I cooking dinner tonight. Cooking dinner would involve grocery shopping, you see, and that’s not going to happen.

It’s not that I have anything against groceries, or cooking, but it was a whopper of a weekend. We had 32 amazing families in camp for the physical disabilities weekend. Aside from some wheelchairs and walkers, though, the smiles are all the same. It was pirate weekend, too, so Friday night saw all of us dressed up. I was sporting a lovely hot pink pirate beard, too, which our videographer got on camera. And then the video editors made sure to put it into the weekend DVD everyone left with. I think I’ll be Pirate Pink Beard forevermore at this point. Heheh.

We played games, danced, bowled, fished, rode horses, made pirate loot bags, snot, slime, and painted wooden letters that spelled out our names. We painted the miniature ponies fun colors and took the llamas for walks. We went after a hole in one on the putt putt course as fast as we could and got lost in the maze after we climbed the tree house. We climbed in and out of race cars, practiced our pit stop tire changes and raced on the video simulators. We painted our hair funny colors, did our nails and our make up too. We ate cotton candy, ice cream and popcorn. We built model rockets and launched them later that afternoon. We looked at amazing Model A cars that came to visit. We watched a Mad Scientist make a gummy bear burst into flames. We watched the fabulous Hot Dog Daddy O’s put on a rocking good show, and then we put on our own rocking good show, too.

Weekends are busy around here. But they are awesome. And even though there were only 3 of us on staff handling things, with all the amazing volunteers we had here, we never missed a step. I’m excited because summer will be more of this amazing pace. There will be more staff to help, certainly, but then again there will be more work to do. I know, though, that it’s going to be awesome. I’m sure I’ll get overly tired, overwhelmed, excited, happy, sad, frustrated, thrilled and a thousand things in between. I’ll also get bitten by bugs because that’s mandatory at camp. It’s going to be a fun ride from here on out.

I’ll try to get a picture off the video, so you can see the pink beard, but no promises on when that will happen. Meanwhile, just think of it as reaaaaaaaallly bright.

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