Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fish hooks galore!

It was a good week this week. No one else quit, we didn’t have 4 outside groups visiting camp in 3 hours, and no one pulled the fire alarm. I’m not sure I ever mentioned that, but a few weeks back, a young camper wondered what the fire alarm handle was all about. Then there was a lost camper drill at 2 am the same weekend, which turned into 4 teenagers sneaking around, so yeah, this week was easy by comparison.

I’m pushing hard to get ahead on the things to do before summer camp starts. Every day though, summer camp comes one day closer, and every day, a dozen new little details land on my desk that need attention right now. A friend of mine reminded me the other day though, that I’m good at organizing chaos, so I’m really not sweating it.

Texas is calling my name, too. I’ll be home to teach for a week at the beginning of May. Trying to shoehorn that in was a little stressful, but it all came together yesterday and it won’t cost me all of my vacation time, either. That’s a huge relief because the boyfriend will be home in November, and I’d like to get to spend more than a day with him. And now, it’ll work.

Life is good. Even though my hand is sore from squeezing pliers on the all the fish hooks I smooshed, and I have mud all over my shoes from helping at the barn during the thunderstorms today, life is good. But I won’t say no if anyone wants me to mail them about 10,000 fish hooks to debarb before summer…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok am I missing a few things.
Why are you debarbing fish hooks?
What are you interviewing for?

And can I come and be a guest. It sounds like fun:):)
