Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rubbing Buddha for good luck? Really?!

Greaaaaaaaaaaaaat. It’s now been reported that masturbation can help prevent prostate cancer. Like guys needed an excuse to do that more often.

And no, sex doesn’t have the same effect.

Stupid Australian researchers…

They just made it more difficult for any woman who’s still single and interested in men, of course, to convince a man to settle down. What is the allure of sex when the guy can spank the monkey in the name of cancer prevention?

Also, does that mean they’ll spend a little less time working out at the gym, reducing the effects too many steroids and supplements have on their bodies, in order to have enough, uhm, we’ll call it “energy” to do their prevention, uhm, we’ll call that a “workout” too?

It’s going to be tough to tell what this latest study means for the world, but those crazy Aussies have guaranteed that guys between the ages of 20 and 50 years old, which is the prime dating range for everyone with more brain cells than hormones, will be busy committing assault with a friendly weapon….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But we still love you K:)