Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cranky, not cranky

So I was obviously irritated as heck after talking to the cable company. (Yes, I know it's the satellite company, but it takes longer to say, and isn't as satisfying.) After all, Stephanie Plum, and the entire Trenton clan all swear and curse out the cable company throughout the course of a book, so if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
But really, that's not what brought me back. Today I had a fun encounter up at Yellow Dog Designs.
We get a lot of donations of in-kind items here, and it really helps us operate well at camp. And Yellow Dog came through with an offer the other day, which landed on my desk. I'm not complaining right now, but almost everything lands on my desk.
Shoe laces. All sorts of them.
That was fun.
And then when we called and found out we could drop by and get some for trick or treat treats, well, it was a short trip up to Greensboro. Where we were greeted by a yellow dog.
Named Sugar.
And then a black dog named Batman.
And then another black dog named Will.
And then an itty bitty dachshund who's name I can't remember.
And then another yellow dog.
It was a lot of fun to walk into a business where the dogs come to say hi. And then I leave with a car packed with cases and cases full of shoe laces. Heh. That rhymes.
Will was my favorite dog though. He's a big black lab, bigger than the other labs there, and when he's happy with you, he growls. I decided to think of it as talking, because it wasn't a mean growl, what with the tail wagging and the perky ears. When he was a puppy, it seems he got confused and started equating big growls with being happy. The owner said it was the guys in the shop who got him trained oddly way back when, and no one tried to fix it.
So I was standing on the loading dock eye to eye with about 100 lbs of growling, writhing, delighted dog when I rubbed his ears. And it's a little odd, I will admit, to be growled at and licked at the same time, but that's just part of Will's charm.
I offered to dog sit.
I was given dog collars, lanyards and shoe laces instead. I can't complain.

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