Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Road to Hell

Man, I haven't written in forever. I've had some good intentions, but they're just paving the road to hell right about now. I figure my personal road is a ten lane superhighway at this point. It's a toss up though, whether the traffic is flying along at 80 miles and hour or snarled in gridlock that will last for the rest of my life on that road.
Anyway, camp ended in August, and I think I did a pretty good job this summer. I didn't have the urge to kill anyone, which is saying something, since I was surrounded by kids who were holding on to the last of their teenage behaviors with a death grip. More importantly than not killing anyone though, is that the kids had fun. Every time I saw them, the campers were having fun. I'm not so sure I did, but I figure that's just because I'm one of the responsible people who are busy fretting over all the details. And around here, there are a lot of details.
After camp I dashed home to Texas for a bit, which made me realize that I miss living in the suburbs. I know, I know. How can you possibly miss living in the suburbs? But I do, because there, I have easy access to all kinds of crap, whether it's a store that sells sunglasses, or Thai food I don't have to drive three hours to find. And a broadway play. Even if I don't go to all that stuff, I miss the access to it like hell. Round about these parts, here in Central North Cackalackee, I can't even find a used book store. Thank God for the internet is all I can say on that one.
And holy crap. I'm watching a movie, in which my boyfriend's son has a few scenes as an extra or something, and dannnnnnnnnnnnng, do they look alike. At least we know what Sam I Am will look like when he's older, and even if I am biased, I think he'll be pretty good looking. Wonder if those strong family genes are going to carry on to the little Sam that's on the way. Not sure the planet can handle three of them at the same time, but we'll find out soon enough.
Even with the hurricane, I bet my favorite Tex Mex dive is still open and going strong. Heck, they were probably only closed for a day or two, before they were back to dishing up some great food to fill hungry bellies. The family came through okay, and everyone is bunking at my parent's house, which is sure to be interesting. I'm kind of glad I'm not there for that one, no lie. I'll be home for Thanksgiving. That's plenty close.
So yeah, I'm going to pack it in and go for a drive on that superhighway to hell of mine rather than blathering on about a thousand other things. It's about the only road I can go for a drive on, with the price of gas right now.

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