Monday, January 7, 2008

A blue phone? Seriously?!

It was a rigorous first day on the job. I did some paperwork, got a name badge with my picture on it, cleaned out some supply closets and some offices, logged on to the camp email system and took my golf cart operator’s test. I am fully qualified to drive an EZ Go golf cart now, and I don’t even have to wear a Kevlar helmet this time around. Nice!

Today was the most relaxed, easy first day I’ve ever had. I loved it. The attitudes of everyone I work with were cheerful and friendly, in a completely sincere fashion. You can always tell when people are way over the top with their “friendly” to the point that it grates on your back teeth but that didn’t happen here. And everyone stressed that we work as much as we play, and made certain we took a few breaks throughout the day to fit in some fun stuff, so it wasn’t full of drudgery.

At one point fairly early on, I was handed my Nextel phone. It’s a freaking NASCAR edition, too, with Rusty Wallace’s #2 on it. I’m going to see a ton of racing stuff come through, I bet. It’s cool, but eventually it will get old, I’m sure. For now though, it’s fun to get all the little hot wheels cars, sunglasses and other gimmes that they keep tossing my way. I plan to gather them up, put them in a box, and eventually mail them off to parts of Iraq, just because I can.

Anyway, it was a great day. We even went down toward Ashboro and had lunch at Chili’s. Tomorrow we’re going to discuss all sorts of last summer, and see what trouble we can identify and head off for this year. Gonna be good. Yeah. Good.

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