Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fried brain, fried brain, cheese and baloney....

I’ve been busy getting settled in here at camp which has left me worn out through and through. It’s not a bad thing to be so overstimulated all you can do at the end of a day is sit on a couch and stare at the TV. Or a wall. Or the inside of your eyelids. Right?

Anyway, being new here involved fighting with a satellite company. It’s easy as pie to buy the service. It’s difficult as hell, however to get the service installed. I shoulda just paid to fly my brother over from Texas with his stash of dish installing tools and had him do it. It would have been kinder on my nerves to do that than to wait out the stupid, stupid, stupid computer glitches they had over at the satellite company. “Lost my install info my a**,” is all I can say.

And then there was the vaccination history. As in, “can you get us your childhood vaccination records?” The answer to that is no. And that shot record in my passport just isn’t quite thorough enough to work here. The great staff down at the Body Shop, which is our medical center here at camp, did say that I’m definitely better vaccinated than 98% of the staff, but I still had to get a few extra sticks. There was the flu shot, and the TB test, of course. Then I had to get a new tetanus shot, just in case. And I also had to get a titer to see if I’m immune to measles, mumps and rubella. I am.

Good news is that I also have grown an inch since I was last measured. I showed up at 5’10” in my socks, which I’m not quite sure I believe, but I’ll take it. It’s not like I was at that crucial stage though, where an inch of height meant I couldn’t ride all the rides at the amusement park. Still, an extra inch – nice.

There was also the snow. I’m standing outside with some of the other staff during a family weekend a couple weeks ago, and my boss assures me, “It’s never this cold here! Ever!” That white stuff on the ground and my constantly runny nose are begging to differ on that one. But I’ve finally gotten what I think are all the right clothes for the weather here, and now I’m no longer burning up or freezing cold at any given time. And yes, I know all about layers, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy wearing them. The snow was pretty cool though, since it only lasted a couple days.

Camp is pretty cool. I know I keep promising pictures but it just hasn’t been something I’ve had time for. I have a hideous internet connection at home, and I don’t have time at the office. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find 10 different ways to feed peanut butter to my staff this summer, as we are a peanut free camp…

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