Thursday, January 24, 2008

We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto

Out here in race country, the shops are three times larger than the houses. And the houses are falling down, while the shops gleam with shining new paint every season. Different places have different priorities, to say the least.

It’s cool though. I’m learning my way around in the boom town of Randleman, and the surrounding area. It’s not too hard as there are a whopping 4 main roads here, which connect or cross each other, but I’ve missed a turn once or twice already.

I do most of my running around up in Greensboro, though. There’s a better selection of stores there, and better prices, too. Still though, compared to Iraq, even the small town of Randleman is a huge improvement. And I don’t want to give the impression that it’s bad here, at all, but the night and day comparison between small towns and small cities is very obvious.

I have a bit of adjusting to do, all around, I’d say. There’s the whole moving to the new town, on top of the really new job. And as I’ve learned, most recently, on the new job, I need to slow down, settle down, and just stop trying to do stuff. Not that doing stuff is bad, but that I don’t have to know everything instantly. That’s a huge change from my last few jobs, and I hope I can make the adjustment.

Around here, there’s a whole lot of talk about the culture, the model, the Program, with a big P. We talk about those concepts. But we don’t actually talk about the “thing” that needs to happen to make those concepts real. That confuses me, but I’ll get over it, I’m sure. I think they’re more relaxed here about tangible sharing, and prefer to use the indirect learning method. But I could be completely mistaken about that, too.

All I can say is it’s going to be interesting around here. I’ll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) HEHE You slowing down-who would have thought it:)

Have the Pettys finished moving their shops out of Randleman yet?