Friday, March 13, 2009


I understand that every so often programs the Red Cross has been teaching need updated into the current century. I understand that the rollout of those updates doesn't always go smoothly. I understand that paper is expensive, and so is ink.

But helloooooooooooooooooooo?

Are you seriously telling me you couldn't have popped the 250 plus page instructor trainer guide I need into my email a week ago, instead of mailing it to me yesterday? Because you mailed it to me yesterday, on a CD, when I got home, I had to print it.

That shit takes forever, on an inkjet, going screeeeeeeeee, screeeeeeeeeeeeeee, screeeeeeeeeeeee, click, screeeeeeeeeeee, screeeeeeeeeeee, screeeeeeeeeeeee, click, woosh, woosh, woosh, click, screeeeeeeee... You get what I'm saying.

And it's not like inkjet printed stuff is waterproof, is it?

Yeah, of course it's not.

So let's print the swim instructor manual at home, sure!


This is so not going to end well for my new manual, is all I'm saying. Just not at all.

I really don't think it would have killed the Red Cross to run it off on one of the kajillion laser printers they have, and then run it through the copy machine the way they always used to. Progress, in this case, is pissing me off.

Because it's inconvenient to me.

I don't think I'd be half as irritable about it all if I didn't have to teach the new program Monday. Which meant that today was my last day in the office before I spend a week in the field teaching. So last night at 1 am, when the printing finished, I was sticking those little post it note flags all over my newly minted instructor trainer guide so I'd know what to copy.

(I must say though, that I'm amazed I found the little post it flags, too, because the nieces love those things, and I can't blame 'em a bit. I must have hidden them well, is all I'm saying.)

I'm really hoping I managed to copy all the right stuff because I flipped back to the appendix and made a best guess.

Tomorrow when I try to put things into my brain, so I don't look like a fool teaching (I always look like a fool teaching, but usually a confident fool!) I'll figure out what I did or didn't get right, I guess.

Someone bring me a caramel latte, because I'm going to need it!

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