Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oh heck!

Oh heck, we're gonna have a lot of tomatoes, from the looks of things around here. That's great, too, for the tomato eaters in the family. I can't eat them, since they make me itch, but the fans of the nightshade family will be having a feast. And their friends, too. And their friends also, based on how fast these suckers are taking off.
Watering is being scheduled. Planned. It's a big deal around here, because we've killed a ton of azaleas. You can't eat azaleas though, so maybe we'll do better this time around. Dad is in charge of watering. We've got a half dozen different types of sprinkler heads though, so you have to pay attention to what you're doing. And every spring there's a learning curve, on which one adjusts which way.
Which would explain how Dad and I ended up being chased across the yard this afternoon while we were adjusting one of them. Damn that sprinkler anyway. Wet socks and crocs do NOT make a good combination. But they do make a delightful squishing sound for a good while afterward.
So anyway, the garden is going well. So far. I have high hopes for it, though, given it's initial rate of growth. Which means all y'all (that's the plural of y'all, by the way, in case you aren't from down here) better be fixin' to (a Texas way of saying getting ready) accept a lot of produce. Except for corn. Because if the corn does germinate and grow, and make it past the squirrel who lives in the back yard, it's not getting shared. Don't even ask.
You can have tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes, heritage tomatoes, mortgage buster tomatoes or Homely Homer tomatoes, which are apparently wicked ugly but taste divine. Again, I wouldn't know. You can probably have bell peppers, green, red or lilac, because we planted them all. You can have some green beans, since we planted maybe a third of the seeds we've got, and I hear they produce like crazy. And the zucchini and yellow squash will either be all or nothing. So you'll get gobs and gobs of that or none at all.
This week I need to scatter some leaf lettuce seeds into the beds, now that I think about it. I knew I forgot something. But I did start most of the seeds in the little greenhouse beds we've got, so we can get some nice buttercrunch and bib lettuce going, too. And carrots. Who seem reluctant to germinate. And oooooooooh, ornamental peppers which will turn the flower beds out front into a riot of color. Color most of us won't be able to eat, given the reported scoville level of these peppers. So you might could probably (definitely) have some of those.

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